Friday, September 29, 2017

The article on Silicon Valley is of immense importance. I suggest that you focus on two underserved communities--East Palo Alto and Belle Haven Menlo Park east of 101. Both are traditionally ignored majority minority places with dominant working class populations. Both are seeing housing prices escalate through the roof (no pun intended), with resulting displacement and gentrification.

Everyone in these communities should be affordably housed, including the indigent, and it is totally within the means of Silicon Valley to see that this happens.

I have suggested that the $20 mil Facebook has promised to donate to these communities (abutted by its world HQ) for housing take an innovative approach--not just more routine, overbuilt mainstream houses on almost-gone open space. Backyard tiny houses may be one solution, using existing properties and enabling integration between working class homeowners and a diverse array of tech and other types of workers, as well as students. Adding on to the backs of existing houses is another. But there are others that integrate visually and socially with what is there now.

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