Tuesday, August 7, 2018


In which I take a stab at describing municipalism
About this article
The city’s government is the heart of a new global political phenomenon.
Trevor Burrowes Thanks. This is as close as anything I've been thinking. Municipalism. The feminization of politics. But I've also reached a do-nothing state of mind. No effort. The ultimate feminism.  

Seems we have a bunch of things. Whether thy have to do with ontology or epistemology (and other stuff I don't know) I can't say. But I'm strictly working with what people do, with what forces and movements exist, without putting in much effort of my own. (And actually, it's quite a lot of work just doing that!) It sort of gets to be about collective consciousness, which will have to snap or click into some other state. And that through system-wide self organization. We just shine our light, follow some sort of internal text, exactly as in doing some art project. It's up to the self-organizing system to get it right or not. And it's on me to make and art project that *I* like. You know it when you see it. Following the path of least resistance... 

1 comment:

Trevor Burrowes said...

Hi K

Still trying to process the Barcelona info. Municiplalism. Feminism. Thanks for recognizing my poor efforts in those directions.

I also see feminism as related to the wisdom traditions of the east. Judo, aikida, etc. I don't study any of it, or much of anything else, but there is a general drift that I think I get...and I'm calling it feminist for now. It has to do with using your opponent's energy for your own benefit.

A classic example of how we can do that in Jamaica is to use the departure of the British as a kind of do-nothing (well, actually, not quite) strategy to creep African colonialism quietly along. For now it's only mental chains that would prevent us thinking that Jamaica (or elsewhere) represents an addition to African territory. We don't have to lift a finger, stick out our chest, or make a declaration. The new reality was always hiding in plain sight.

And by virtue of this upside down reasoning, we also don't need to move an inch away from Jamaica to start redefining in more systematic, municipal, feminist terms. At this early stage, no one on the continent can tell us what to do, say or believe. And if we do it right, no one ever will.

More soon