Saturday, November 9, 2019

Garvey and St. Ann's Bay

Dear Roy (Anderson, film maker),

I'm honored to have a preview of what's to come. Thank you very much!

Please let me know when there might be something to post on the "St. Ann's Bay: Marcus Garvey History." As Eddie Seaga reinforced, Garvey was renounced in even the town of his birth. I'm trying to change that, and look forward to your film for assistance. I don't want there to be only a plaque placed on his birthplace, while the entire town's narrative is contrary to Garveyism. I want St. Ann's Bay to be a module of nation building for the United African Nation of Garvey's vision. The economic means that appears most available now is tourism, but what good is it to show tourists only a plaque on a small house and a town filled with Chinese financed McDonalds and Burger Kings?

Much love. Please keep up the great work!


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