Monday, April 13, 2020


Randy Allie I'm the admin of Restoring St. Ann's Bay. Jamaica's tourist/industrial system has decimated farming there and in St. Ann Parish as a whole. The jobs have been all in the tourist industry in Ocho Rios and wherever else nearby that the tourist-oriented economy thrives. All the farmers abandoned the land in the parish. And abundant bauxite mining has taken over much farming land there too. We face an existential crisis of the land in the Garden Parish. I have no farming news to post from St. Ann, and somehow I believe that posting unidentified farming news that could be even from another country is a weaker message than one that points out where in Jamaica the farming is happening. (At least, tnews from another parish might raise the competitive spirit.) The brain drain from St. Ann has been spectacular. I doubt there are many who have space/time for abstract thinking anymore. But I can't swear to any of this. I'm just feeling my way, entirely, entirely alone. And from thousands of miles away.

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