Tuesday, August 15, 2017

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5 hrs
The National Business Incubation Association defines a business incubator as a comprehensive-assistance program targeted to help start-up and early-stage firms, with the goal of improving their chances to grow into healthy, sustainab
le companies.

Here at La Cocina, each qualified kitchen user is a separate business entity. This means that each business must have its own business license, insurance, staff, business records, tax returns and so forth. Each business owner will also be responsible for complying with the city, state and federal regulations concerning licensing, food safety and sanitation, taxes, employment, etc.

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Reply4 hrs
Trevor Burrowes Rebecca Bains Matthews I briefly scanned the link for La Cochina that Michael Levin posted. My extremely cursory takeaway from this model is that it creates jobs for a population like EPA's without necessitating new buildings. Kitchens can be part of existing buildings, even if those have to be slightly modified. Beyond this, there is the prospect of people telecommuting in this very congested area. Truly sophisticated development thinking by FB might create a very large number of telecommuting jobs using the existing infrastructure in EPA. All the houses on University Ave could be enhanced with SETBACK half story above to accommodate added office capacity. Every back yard, likewise, has the potential for added studio live/work space. That would benefit the current homeowners of old EPA while creating more housing and jobs. The very same approach would apply to Belle Haven and other nearby places. Make full and sophisticated use of what is already here, and avoid the immense problems caused by unnecessary bricks and mortar projects. There will be just as many jobs for those additions as with new bricks and mortar ones, but these jobs and facilities will be the product of nuanced, subtle, holistic thinking, that enhances rather than destroys the prospects for people (especially the oldtimers) now living in EPA.

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