Colin Lloyd Trevor Burrowes. Its is indeed sad that the Country has changed and very few of these houses remain. The younger generation that eventuallytake over from Granny cares less about Vintage Houses, They are thinking North America fashions, They dispose of property to the highest bidder Ie Fast food franchises etc etc. Its a battle to save them,
Trevor Burrowes They do this because the is ZERO education or effort toward a different outcome. It's like watching your child wonder out into a busy street and concluding that this is what children do...then taking no effort to restrain the child. As II said, I'm tired of trying to get this across. Let people do as they like. If the Den is destroyed, screw SAB.
Colin Lloyd Trevor Burrowes. I am beginning to think that a great deal of damage was done in the seventies and Saving St Anns Bay seems to be virtually impossible. We just have to keep writing and hope that good sense wiill prevail , Judging from the Modern buildings that went up from then its a loosing battle, We simple just have to move on. , There will always be the Police Station, The Court House, The Churches, and Other Government Buildings, That are still structurally sound.
Trevor Burrowes Modern buildings started going up under Seaga. He believed in modernization as some kind of savior. Not that I give a rat's ass anymore. "Judging from the Modern buildings that went up from then its a loosing battle, We simple just have to move on. " So here's where we differ. You absolutely, totally don't believe restoring historic places is possible, while I've seen it done all over the world. The people who built high rises on the edges of Paris would have loved clearing away the old buildings in the center of Paris (out of the worship of modernity), but they were not allowed to do so. But that's only one of hundreds of examples where sanity prevailed over fashion. And where are you moving on to? Where do you see your modernization ideas leading? Please tell me how it will help the squatters down by Harbor Street? And where is the money coming from for this modernization other than from China, along with foreign control? Your insistence that tourists will be impressed that we're not savages because we have modern buildings is pure nonsense. You don't understand tourists' mentality. You are ashamed of the old buildings, while they find it interesting and surprising. They know nothing about us, and think we live in trees, so why would they mind seeing our colonial buildings? I repeat till I'm exhausted: Preserving historic buildings is a mark of CLASS!!!!! People who live in trees aren't supposed to have class, are they? So what's your comment to that? You don't believe in class? Why? You don't believe in historic tourism in old places (Paris, for instance)? Why? What makes old places in Jamaica less worthy than old places in France? Where do you see stumbling, bumbling ignorant people who discard their heritage moving on to? Clearing away the structures on Harbor Street and putting up high rise all inclusive hotels there? And can't you see that that's the plan? Is it that you aren't aware of it, or is this something you consider helpful? So how do you consider helping the poor? Or are they expendable like the old buildings? And please don't add insult to injury by telling me that the courthouse and churches will be here while the rest is flattened. I didn't come here for that. If these places are invulnerable to destruction, then I wasn't needed anyway, was I? It's actually quite vicious to tell someone who is evolved to see the beauty in heritage that he should be a good boy and go with a low level, uneducated thing that is popular instead. I have higher standards. I am highly educated, based on many people's sacrifice. If the world is on a lower level, it needs to change, not me.
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