Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Disney History: How does the project relate to the cultural landscape history of Madrid? Bethlehem Hill is said to have been a major inspiration for Disney's vision. Is there a way to relate this important history to the current AML program? 

Coal Tourism: Tourism is the main industry of Madrid. How does this project affect tourism? Bethlehem Hill through to the Mineshaft complex is the center of the coal history of Madrid. The entire hillside is the nexus of coal history around which coal tourism in Madrid revolves.
- Coherence: oherent picture of the hillside--the history found there should be collected somewhere that relates to that history
Flooding. can more water be kept on the hillside?


Madrid originated as a coal mining town, on which its history is baseed. Its current economy is now based on "Coal Tourism." The Mine Shaft Tavern and History Museum (TMS) comprise the central core of Madrid coal history and coal tourism. It is the main local employer and tax generation. The previous work of AML in Madrid directly responded to musdslides into TMS. TMS is therefore the leading source of understanding about the AML work. You could simplify AML work as pertaining to the eastern hillside that is the major source of flooding, history, economy for the town. TMS has large buried water tanks that formerly had major significance for the town's water supply. These also seem relevant to AML's work. Currernt AML work needs to coordinate with TMS.
- Need to situate the AML program in such a way as to attract funding for coal tourism research, collection, dissemeination


water noff hillside and its destination
need for coherence in planning
Bethlehem history as the magnet for Disney and the genesis that contributed to Disney's vision

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