Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Cement truckers have numerous incentives to break laws or quasi laws in order to make a living. This is produced by a system of silo thinking where dots are not connected. For instance, the cement is being transported from Tijeras to the south end of Santa Fe (Cerrillos Rd and 599 corridor?) Since the county, city developers, DOT,and  the city don't communicate with each other, the problem of cement trucks falls on ordinary people who face risks from a system that is not accountable to them. It's just a case of power and money dominating what gets attention and what does not. A more strategic level of planning that brings city, county, state and communities together in one room and a resulting coordinated effort to address the underlying system pressures and gaps MIGHT result in some stable improvement. Leaving the problem of cement trucks to time and business-as-usual is clearly a non solution. 

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