Save every part of the economy that can possibly be saved...or morph the worst of them into something else. This requires planning and the non destruction of existing physical and technical infrastructure. Finding something new doesn't require you to discard the old.
Religion of building
Putting up buildings is seen as the solution for everything. It isn't.
Third World lifestyle with hi tech education. Youth live in ghettos, but can hold their own with the rich kids intellectually. Includes putting status on the ghetto Status is everything.
Cities and Towns: Block economics, using core inside of blocks that streets surround--
growing food, artisan crafts, etc.
New kind of adaptive building
Making abandoned vehicle work for housing and make them look good; subdividing existing buildings; repairing basements, etc.
Substituting high volume for high profit
Land use determines the states of the environment and economy
Planners (the planning profession) determines the direction of land use
Planning throughout the world had it 100% dead wrong. It is the chief enemy of survival
Slow, long term mining of landfills
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