Monday, August 12, 2019


Ebony was something quite well known in my world, although I don't recall being personally intrigues by it. I've always had my own traumatized consciousness to deal with instead. And that led me to read different kinds of things. It led me away from anything "successful" I guess. I had an extraordinarily high minded and philosophical Scottish principal in HS that I must say changed my life, and he hired teachers who helped in that project. Perhaps I tended to lean on the white side of things. And perhaps that helps me now deal with the extraordinarily puzzling tangle of racial issues that Jamaica is a case study for. All of this seems to have made me come out very black and very white simultaneously. But Ebony figures in that tangle as it affects America, extending beyond it to the rest of the black world. Were standing atop an extraordinary pillar of achievement that I can't put any boundary around, but Ebony is only a part of it.. 

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