Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Date:Sat, Jun 29, 2019 1:47 am

If we take a random survey of obstacles or threats to the land, we see the futility of addressing them one at a time. The head of the UNIA in St. Ann's Bay (SAB), Steven Golding, also approves membership in the Ethiopian World Federation (EWF). He is also the principal of the Marcus Garvey Technical High School. It now appears that he is the son of a former Prime Minister, Bruce Golding. All of a sudden, things take on a sinister glow. Steven's position must be based on the entrenchment of brutally murderous politicians and their cronies. They operate in secret, and have their own agenda. So if I'm thinking that Steven is merely a dolt who lacks vision or insight, an idiot who could be shamed out of his retarded behavior, it could be worse than that.

In the Cockpit country--perhaps to the southern region?-- farmers were told they had nothing to fear from bauxite mining. A simple lie (they being located in the official permitted mining area map). Lying is an effective means of placating simple people who lack the wherewithal to study the issues or defend themselves. They would naturally want to believe that all was well with their continued ability to grow food and support themselves. I wrote the following on the Facebook  thread where I learned about the event from a post--it saw this as an isolated moral case of mendacity, one that could by implication be corrected through moral entreaty:

"It's worse than that. This is part of a raging and programmatic war on the land and people of Jamaica. Everything being done is normal global behavior of predatory capitalism, which must grow infinitely and ruthlessly, or collapse. We don't need to correct the system; we need to change it."

I'm starting to isolate the threat posed by the party system  with its secret societies, its gunmen, its corruption, greed, larceny, strategic ignorance--a kind of ignorance that is systemic and forecloses on all possible avenues of liberation. It's like climate change. How do you address such a monolith? Here is one prospect: Since the predatory capitalist system is indeed contracting (on a trajectory toward collapse), one can hope that as the system collapses (slowly, it would seem), its hold on power will decrease, allowing for pockets of resistance to take root. Garveyism, wherever it can be planted, is Jamaica's main avenue of resistance. And Garveyism might be seen as the tiger the present governing party introduced long ago by appointing Marcus Garvey Jamaica's First National Hero. It is said that when you ride a tiger, you dare not get off. 

In the case of SAB, was Steven Golding deliberately put there to sedate or entrance the tiger? 

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