Friday, May 22, 2020


This sounds true, although I have done no study on the subject, and don't know what to make of it in the context of Garveyism. I'm trying to think through Africa in an original way. In "Africa" fractal science appears to be developed in a specially advanced way. The same geometry repeats itself infinitely. Rhythm is similarly advanced in Africans, and I argue that it is rhythm more than brute strength that accounts for Africans' exceptional physical achievements. Africa also appears to be exceptional in coexisting (till now) with large wild animals (megafauna). Now I want to propose a feminist ideal for Africa. To make a sweeping generalization, it is feminist to "take in" and absorb, to include. So how do we put together a charter for Africa that makes it all inclusive--globally inclusive-- while at the same time opposing the universal undermining of black skin (and indeed of the feminine).

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